The best method of incorporating Ivy into a project is either by [] or as a submodule.
In addition to registered crates Ivy depends on additional system level libraries.
For a successful compilation the following dependencies need to be met:
- Vulkan Development Files
- Windowing libraries (X11/Wayland/WINAPI)
- Vulkan validation layers for debug builds
For compilation of glfw the following libraries need to be present:
- libxi-dev
- libxcursor-dev
- libxinerama-dev
- libxrandr-dev
- libx11-dev
sudo dnf install libXi-devel libXcursor-devel libXinerama-devel libXrandr-devel
libX11-devel mesa-vulkan-devel vulkan-validation-layers glslc
sudo apt install libxi-dev libxcursor-dev libxinerama-dev libXrandr-devel
libx11-dev libvulkan-dev